Sunday, January 22, 2012

The American girl book, Help, has some good advice to girls that wrote questions to them. This book answers the girls questions and I'm about to share some of the Q and A with you! *-Names have been changed.

Dear help, Ever since my mom had a baby, my parents have ignored me.They only notice me when they tell me to do something. I'm always helping out with the baby and around the house. - Kate*

What you need are "chore chats". If you're folding laundry with you dad, fill him in on your friends while you do it. If your'e drying dishes while mom feeds the baby, tell her about the music class while you work. Your parents love you just as much as they always have. They just don't have time to show it. Life will get easier as the baby gets older. But for now you have a better chance of getting their attention if you don't compete with the baby. They'll enjoy your talks and be grateful for your help. Who knows? They may even find a quiet moment to say so.

Dear Help, I don't like spending the night at friends' houses. I get a funny feeling in my stomach. I can only think about my family and house. Sometimes I go in the bathroom and cry. I end up coming home feeling confused and humiliated. -Anna*

Don't be ashamed! This is a problem lots of girls have. If a friend invited you to a sleepover, tell her the truth. Explain what it's like for you when you don't sleep at home. If she's not having a party, maybe you can have her sleep at your house instead. If she is, ask if you can go to the first half of the party and have your parents pick you up before bedroom. You'll still get to share in most of the fun.

Dear Help, I'm afraid to stay home alone. I'm always thinking a burglar or murderer will come to my house. When the doorbell rings I'm afraid to open the door. How can I stop being afraid? -Susan*

You have a lot of control over how safe you are. The trick is making yourself believe it! There are a number of simple rules that you should follow when you're home alone. Talk with your parents about people and numbers to call when your home alone, type them and keep them near the phone. A stranger at the door or at the phone will be a lot less scary if you know what to do. Of course it also may be that you're not ready to stay home alone yet. That's perfectly O.K. Tell your parents how you feel. Together you may be able to figure out another choice.

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